Catherine Warner
Catherine is a Presentation sister.
She was educated by the Presentation Sisters in Claremont and Mosman Park entering the Order in 1968. Initially graduating as a Primary School Teacher from Claremont Teachers College, Catherine subsequently attained a B.Ed. from Notre Dame University. Over the years as a teacher and Principal within the Catholic Education System.
A life-long learner, Catherine keeps up to date by regularly engaging in ongoing faith and education Courses.
Retiring from fulltime work as a principal of a Catholic Primary School, Catherine, obtained a Graduate Diploma in Spiritual Direction in 2019.
In 2020 Catherine became the director of the Nano Nagle Centre in Claremont, Perth where she is a personal accompanier, a retreat director and a spiritual accompanier.
A committed member of Parishes from Kununurra to Collie, Catherine served on parish councils and liturgy committees.
While pastoral care of children and families within the school and local communities has been at the heart of Catherine’s commitment to her vocation and calling, her more recent commitment to the Nano Nagle Centre has seen Catherine’s pastoral care extended to the wider community.
Geraldine Taylor
Geraldine was born in Hobart, Tasmania, and has an identical twin sister.
She is married and has 7 grandchildren. Educated in Western Australia, Geraldine attended St Benedict’s Primary School Applecross and later Loreto Convent Claremont.
Her professional nursing career in primary care and tertiary nursing education grounded her well for 24 years in acute hospital pastoral care.
Family, community and being present to other is a core belief of every moment.
Geraldine is an active parishioner of Holy Family Parish, Como in liturgy and Eucharistic Ministry. Her “treasured” faith journey and love of Christ is lived and expressed in her ministry of facilitation of Prayer groups, retreat groups and spiritual companioning.
Her pastime delights include gardening, classical music and reading.
MEd. Curtin; BTh. Murdoch; BAppSc(Nursing Education). Curtin
Invited Presenters
Megan Phillips
Megan arrived in WA from Ceylon with her parents as a small child. Her chosen profession as a teacher saw her spend time in both Public and Catholic schools as teacher, facilitator of Professional development and Principal in the Catholic Education System. Teaching in WA Country and Metropolitan areas, as well as time in London, provided grounding in not only the education of students but also in developing her strong faith commitment. Study at the University of Tantur in Israel and the Catholic University in Leuven, Belgium, served to enhance further, her knowledge and understanding of her faith.
Megan has served on Parish Councils, Liturgy Committees, RCIA Leadership groups and Choirs. Presenting Marriage Encounter programs in the past, enriched the lives of Megan and her husband and a recent interest in further learning, including membership of a Theology Book club, has brought about a strong interest in the role of women within the Catholic Church.
Megan’s children and five grandchildren play an important part in her life.
Spare time pursuits include: Writing, cooking, sewing and supporting the WASO Crescendo Schools program through a fund raising initiative.
M.R.E. NDA; Dip. Maranatha; B Ed. Curtin; Tch. Cert. Graylands
Shelley Barlow
Shelley Barlow is a Sister of Our Lady of the Missions.
She has been involved in secondary school education, catechetics in country government schools, and taught at Perth’s Catholic Institute and Centre of Faith Enrichment. Shelley has worked in spiritual formation in her Congregation’s Houses in SE Asia. Currently she does retreat work, spiritual direction and facilitates faith programs and conversations.
Her special interests are in biblical theology, creation spirituality and Ignatian spirituality. Creative Spirit dance is her abiding passion and she continues to facilitate diverse groups.
BA, UWA; MA Pastoral Ministry, CAES Religious Education, Boston College; Certified Ignatian Spirituality, Melbourne College of Divinity.
Pina Ford
Dr Pina Ford is employed by Catholic Education WA where she leads the Catechist Service Team.
Her work is particularly focused on teaching scripture, theology and presenting retreats.
Pina has academic qualifications in the areas of literature, philosophy and theology, and is a trained Spiritual Director.
Pina and her husband Murray have seven adult children, and a growing number of grandchildren.
Sister Maree Riddler rsj and Sister Maura O’ Connell pbvm
Sisters Maree and Maura come from an education background – Primary, Secondary and Administration.
They are long time meditators and members of the World Community of Christian Meditation and are trained Meditation Teachers.
Maree and Maura offer a monthly experience of Praying in the Style of Taize. This is a joint ministry of the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart and the Presentation Sisters of WA.